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Wedding Services

Occasionally at St Paul's we hold a 6:00pm Sunday evening memorial service specially for those who have had recent bereavement to come and give thanks for the life of their loved one. Kindly note that due to the vacancy in the parish that we may not be able to hold such services on a regular basis.

In the service, families can light a candle as special prayers are said and loved ones' names are read out.
People who come say that they find the service comforting and uplifting.

In St Paul's and St Luke's there are memorial books in which we can write the name of your loved one, the book will be open at the anniversary of their passing.

Once a year, at All Souls' tide at the beginning of November, we hold a special service in which we read out the names of all those we love but no longer see. We remember them and that they are safe in God's keeping, and we give thanks for good times past and look forward to being reunited with them in God's future.

The Vicar is always able to arrange visits to those having difficulty facing bereavement and who need to talk with someone. Please ring 0121 556 0687 for further details.


Keep up with what's going on at St Paul's and St Luke's:
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